About Me


paul-01-smallYou’re probably here because you are a fan of travel, photography, or new experiences, which works out because so am I. One day I realized I loved photography and travel so much that I wanted to make it a daily part of my life, and a part of my business. So I’ve re-worked the way I live my life and I couldn’t be happier. The blog is work, make no mistake about it, but it’s the kind of work I am passionate about and look forward to every day.

My goal with this blog is to bring you engaging writing with a twist of humour and a whole heap of interesting photography.

I have worked as a professional speaker, author, and business consultant for years (you can read about those services here). As a result I am loving the opportunity to bust out a bit and create some content that is less formal. I also get to post pictures of me wearing bandanas and holding monkeys (and if you learn nothing else from me, never – ever – trust a monkey).

I am an advanced amateur photographer (you can check out my photo site here if you are so inclined) and I love to write. I’ve been published in the Singapore Straits-Times, Jakarta Post, Summerland Review, Entrepreneurs’ Digest, Retail Connections, Sporting Kid Magazine, and many others. I’ve also written a couple of crime novels based on the locations I’ve visited.

Put a love of travel, writing, and photography together and you have the makings for someone who ought to have a travel blog – so here we are!

For those who like the personal details, I love to play guitar, train in goju-ryu karate, most sports, and my analytical mind digs solving puzzles and strategy games. I like challenging myself and pushing my boundaries – setting huge, stupid goals are kind of my thing and I’ve worked hard to see most of them through.

I’ve been extremely fortunate to have the opportunities I’ve had, so I give back through various philanthropic ventures including Kiva and the YMCA’s Strong Kids Campaign.

I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with my amazing wife Angela. Toronto’s a fantastic city, a good place to be a tourist in my own town when I’m not on the road.

So there you have it! 2021 travel goals include Laos, Thailand, France, Netherlands, and Japan if the pandemic allows travel in the coming year. In the meantime, I’ll continue to share all of my adventures and misadventures with you. Please feel free to stick around, read a few posts, get in touch, and I hope we cross paths somewhere down the road.

Cheers! Paul
